Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, October 28, CHALLENGE: Day 3

Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars.
~ Brian Littrell

Friday's Challenge: Use positive words (let go of negative talk) and
refrain from using profanity (for a full 24 hours).

The best thing about today's challenge for this writer: Awareness. Awareness about how easy it is to use expletives without thought. Awareness of how many negative thoughts and chatter take place in my mind. Awareness how easy it is to fall into "negative traps" - and this, from someone who feels that most of the time she's a pretty positive human being!

I didn't meet this challenge completely. However, my awareness is definitely heightened, which is a very good thing.

How about YOU?

Were  you able to maintain a positive attitude? Speak positive words? Refrain from using expletives?

What did you notice about yourself? About others?

Hopefully, the last three days gave many of us an opportunity to change up our habits, meet some new people, become more aware of our thoughts and actions, and feel a part of the TPA community in a new way. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in one, two, or all three of the challenges. Enjoy your weekend, and come visit the H.O.P.E. Crew table outside the Zelman Monday before school and at HS lunch to let us know how you did on this week's challenges.

Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.
~ Robert Schuller